Exquisite Waffle House

Our Story

We Are
Waffle House

The idea came during winter holidays when, being in San Juan Puerto Rico, Rommel and Yina came across a small shop that whas crowded so they decide to take a closer look to found out what whas going on. To their suprise it was selling erotic waffles with fruits on the side.

They both decided to give it a try and realized it was so good. They immediately thought their friends needed to try something similar but there was not something like this in Chicago.

Reason why they decided to bring the idea and make it happen in the windy city. Who does not love waffles in the windy city?

Story Exquisite Team

Exquisite team

Yina Exquisite Waffle Team

Yina Herrera

Co Founder
Business owner
she has taken care of
our brand image

Rommel Exquisite Waffle Team

Rommel Petit

Founder of Exquisite
Waffle House

Young entrepeneur who
believes all you need to do
in life is taking action

Ruben Exquisite Waffle Team

Rubne Ramos

Business owner
The mind behind all of
our menu and recipes